00:00:00: Music.
00:00:05: PETA Podcast willkommen zurück zum Peter Podcast ich bin Gesine kühne und ich freue mich,
00:00:12: dass ich euch über neuen Folgen Podcast mit großer Hilfe von Jobst Eggert,
00:00:17: einen Einblick in die Arbeit von PETA Deutschland geben konnte danke an alle Mitarbeiter die sich meinen Fragen gestellt haben und auch
00:00:23: danke an alle anderen Freunde und Bekannte die sich für Tierrechte einsetzen denen ich dann ebenfalls das Mikro unter die Nase halten durfte,
00:00:32: 0 zu dieser zehnten Folge ich habe es ja bereits angekündigt es ist eine ganz besondere Folge
00:00:38: denn ich habe vor einiger Zeit Ingrid newkirk getroffen die Mitbegründerin von Peter war in Deutschland und ich habe die Chance genutzt Sie auszufragen
00:00:47: wir saßen eine Stunde zusammen und Ingrid erzählte mir aus ihrem Leben als Kind hat sie schon so viel erlebt das hat sie auf jeden Fall so sehr geprägt dass es für sie klar war dass sie sich im Leben Fisch welche einsetzen muss,
00:01:00: wieder raus dann Tierschutz und dir Rechte wurden
00:01:03: das hört ja am besten selbst hallo Ingrid Kaiser geboren in England Party Pub in India New Delhi red cow,
00:01:16: etikett.de was born in England than when I was seven.
00:01:22: My father went to help the Indian government biggest expect to the war with China.
00:01:28: In my father the signed booming systems of the wand and we lived in New Delhi,
00:01:37: but it is too hot and there is too much of a social life without for little girls the event of the boarding school in hammerles in the everlasting snows and A23 was vor,
00:01:51: Huawei Service Center won't back to you don't get into things you want as long in India Bad in hämmerles for boarding school
00:02:01: gibt es experience of law of influence the new and how are you
00:02:05: become strong woman but you at the strongest child.
00:02:16: I was born ten points of weight and I think the first thing I did was Paul maimamis necklace of her neck and break it.
00:02:25: Sorry not someone you mess with it did have a profound effect because.
00:02:35: One thing I know that happened is the Indian airport and verlasse verbinden Osttirol.
00:02:43: Central office decibullz to a school with snobbish little English Girls.
00:02:51: Louis Gewinner, Pants because this the Seipel.
00:02:57: Wippermann details and said there are more important things in life than clothes and pop records and boys and son
00:03:07: you need to look around your nature at the beauty of the world is the natural world,
00:03:14: think about the plans and the human beings who are just grabbing in existence,
00:03:21: the wind bornes privilege The see you look at the animals Hülle von the earth with you,
00:03:28: andere time without love is very funny because it's not what we're told that lay Turandot resonated with me and my heart opened to the thing i'm very grateful,
00:03:43: that I came to visit us in our school for the Holy, dass Benno so something that resinated something in the subconsciousness maybe.
00:03:53: Wealthy countries are made with me in a very far away when I was home for the holidays.
00:04:03: David sitting at my dining room table with others when looking out on the road.
00:04:09: Lindos daisy hat Trafik net meistverkauft virtuose hat Burak cards are calling is having lots around the streets.
00:04:20: SMS drinking Maissuppe serviceman Pickup Hashtag.
00:04:27: Kann Stories English Bulldog with something wrong with Eminem.
00:04:35: Under Burgfelden and I watched the month German card.
00:04:41: Kicktipp.de bullock-style am Rande der capinside Hamm.
00:04:46: Mein schiffsberater.com Herren also nein,
00:04:55: nothing I would have broken Emtmannsberg if somebody who don't stop me because this song great that I was fighting the swallowing Ilka Lobster.
00:05:08: Betat always meant a lot to me and my mother and out with rescue pearls and chaos the abandoned by the roadside.
00:05:18: Data over the incidence of happening that can definitely shape.
00:05:24: Geteilt verschlagwortet definitely like you indische Ford of becoming someone who speaks up for the weekend.
00:05:34: My mother was a great leader because he devoted over time,
00:05:40: Theo Anwalt mothers juracast out of the house in India and harder Baby's on the street,
00:05:48: Arnd thuler percent to orphans also Universum for the holidays we would you want to orphanages and this for homeless women and song.
00:06:02: And she with me,
00:06:04: it doesn't matter who suffers it matters spacesurfer so heraus was always full of refugees,
00:06:13: humans dogs du bist immer noch Mangos one time with you and she is that look out Filmstarts West.
00:06:23: When I'm with in India because the cruelty is in front of you it's not hidden away the waves in England in Europe.
00:06:34: Heike ziert ein IOS adrenochrome coming back to Indiana im going to start a group to help animals went back to England.
00:06:46: Eiweiße Teenager the fuck out there something and they know I'm happy with their,
00:06:54: and back in England the world teenage we still have to go to school with the time you are the originals iRobot realvision ansuhenne can't find in India,
00:07:09: the view that have in your very useful mirror of society YouTube Lions your doing so much to see the world in Flames on you.
00:07:24: When was the time naturalized,
00:07:26: PietSmiet on my plate Wars Executor animal shame to say it took me some years
00:07:35: because even though I had good friends in India food vegetarian etwas just got something that wasn't as an den Fall to my parents pay on the black market for beef,
00:07:50: Bitte schicke Doris get it that you had to pay on the table when I came to America I was twenty,
00:07:59: andauernd am Auto the crew the case of the deputy sheriff,
00:08:06: an der ursapharm the people have moved away from the farm and the head love Giuliano Mosbach and the horses wo altered Indersdorf,
00:08:15: an der Pieper hat harder Drinks Party bevor der lacht,
00:08:19: Esmarch Tore path of Soda Hose tapping Kater bevor du da du bist da wäre ich schon in die heidnischen Davis Wonder toolpak who is still alive.
00:08:30: Andei pulled him out of the barn and held him in my hands and talking to the water pump with able to hold his head up.
00:08:40: Mac Foto in the power of my hands carpet anlattim drunk.
00:08:46: Himmelschlüssel groning abridged Adsense code for somebody to take into the vegetarian.
00:08:55: Dark knight.
00:08:57: When I knew I had to prosecute this people Fakultät weathermaster jugendgöttin JF Sounds tarihte Totraum.
00:09:10: Der USB foryou hat microwave oven sunrice.de defrosted with pork Chops.
00:09:18: Etwas zum riesen your brain kurz two and two together suddenly.
00:09:23: A nice way to Manhattan prosecuting this paper of a credit to when the roll Pack.
00:09:30: Even though they had never been in the Slaughterhouse have now
00:09:36: rainew das ist oder was machst du jetzt ehrlich frightening bloody Smiley place on oder off von taylor swift terrible things happen to anyone suddenly I said somebody else,
00:09:50: to be cruel to another page in einem Günther edles Fleisch so that moment I knew you I'm not going to eat anymore Anna Maus.
00:10:00: How to get to the usa Armin just the way up I want you.
00:10:06: Messerleiste with my father first with the working on a booming contract for the Vietnam War Ken again.
00:10:19: Religion Iran military base in Florida.
00:10:23: Andre Reinert the man I married at the first but we always great friends and are living in Washington DC,
00:10:34: 2nd the period of time in Washington DC and just.
00:10:40: Starte die started studying and I started working as the deputy sheriff of what happens when I move to Washington DC.
00:10:50: Servoöl discovery where and some of them have kittens inside my Volkswagen Bass.
00:10:59: Und dann hattet eximtur Schulter so ich sollte schalte would be a beautiful place where everybody cares for animals,
00:11:07: hat nur Mathe idea soweit Fox on the run I found out you're the north of the place people with the rear of the animals and son,
00:11:17: analgos so upset bitte sei had only see in Kroatien India on streets I had no idea,
00:11:24: Latin America in Europe the screw the sound fantastic President because it's not in front of you.
00:11:32: Bereich Sir tender dirty Scheiße alleine midyatli resigned my job studying for the brokerage Stock brokerage.
00:11:42: Ostern if I could kill the vacancy training the Camel Herren opening and they said know your offer qualified.
00:11:51: Which is the time I've never understood how can you ever be overqualified for anything so I Bang the drum and the gave me the job.
00:12:00: Na Thai started working for animals and bit-by-bit,
00:12:04: er hatte take law enforcement Training cybergamer der PC Sheriff dead without socket prosecute crucigramas cases the quite impressive that there is some,
00:12:16: dpt in the law enforcement that goes against animal cruelty that sexy thing that sounds pretty future but I was only in the seventies Dimension,
00:12:29: bishoujo Quoka how did they look like Beckham,
00:12:39: the woman in the Canary very rough with the enemy within the fights because for example one day man with pullinger Dobermann Autoverkehr,
00:12:51: he wanted Dominik he wanted to be the one in charge of the strong dog.
00:12:56: Also I was very rough and the ugly and without hitting the way to the cruise around me.
00:13:10: Denn der hat Houston Asia because in the US,
00:13:14: die of the population of dogs is rampant der far from any more animals than you can find homes this und Harms an der Messe docusign Asia us very cruel.
00:13:29: Hey just omiros basically Jobs am in the vicinity of the heart analysis copyrighted to crew 2 Winter England,
00:13:40: Android how to do it you mainly and came back the view the weather London.
00:13:47: An der Hose men's Society animal shelter happy change in from the noise Ort.
00:13:54: We need to prosecute cruelty so I became a law enforcement officer and and to crawl the cases am prosecuted Damm.
00:14:03: London one day with off the job of the pound master to the very old title.
00:14:12: Minister men run the dog Pound in Washington DC.
00:14:18: Lies this is a wonderful opportunity cost at the terrible place we went there clean the top.
00:14:26: Port of Spain Jutta kleine can place stopped the DOM is going to experimentation.
00:14:33: Und von der startet Peter Washington d.c. District of Columbia we know what every you already something in Mekka
00:14:44: paletti Karls anthology get any feedback from,
00:14:50: the White House years because the government then there were people running for the mehr.
00:15:00: Antaios each one what will you do for animals and only one that I will help you clean up the DC dogpound virtuous NMS.
00:15:10: And so I went out on the road Anna campaigned for him with mehr marionberry.
00:15:17: Who was the first black Male of the District of Columbia.
00:15:21: I went to the door for him and he made good on his promise you won the election that you gave me Budget.
00:15:30: Ein Tier laut Meteo du progressive gangster Mikes Torte sterilization program like teen Wolf production,
00:15:40: so the people who were taking the weight with good dogs,
00:15:46: zygarde junkyards TSV Bad purposes for breathing stopped.
00:15:52: Kannst du etwas wonderful bei ihr hast du was very political and one day we got a call from the White House because they had a wild turkey
00:16:02: energy on the law and in the front and I didn't know what to do in the Secret Service wanted to shoot the turkey ein neues seid Naujokat,
00:16:12: wie hast du wait and see what the turkey Gas.
00:16:15: Und in today's the dirty floor when will I like this this is so important thing in the hall animal Konzert the people understand and Akshay.
00:16:30: Dieser Test Deutsch bei der can relate in direct.at nineteen eighty
00:16:43: PETA Oskar und der jeopardy Dirndl vsao deswegen habe ich mir da jetzt erhielt organization Badergasse Zadek weit.
00:16:53: Lieder ja Cyrus running the DC Dog Pound in one day young man came inside me.
00:17:04: You're putting condensed milk in JIRA osht in the morning a nice of course I will do you eat well.
00:17:14: Meisterkurs Nord 71 salute you realize that the reason you have condensed milk.
00:17:22: Ist because they had to do something with the coffee is going to drink that milk and so the Creator devil in the streets of the gods all the man that is meant for him andere Karte mir bevor,
00:17:36: IServ albicker Cyrus already vegetarian and I thinking that doesn't kill the chaos,
00:17:44: Angie seducing the velvet Reihenendhaus wie es Chaos in Eistee Wodka in the detail that I've never thought this is the end of the walking in the ändern
00:17:57: he said what about your shoes,
00:18:03: nt1000 will there is huge part of the meat industry the making more money the way you're helping support the meat industry so anyway.
00:18:14: I had learned Rudi Stephan things I had expected lavatrice in my job I have been on farms in my job.
00:18:23: Da hätte ziehen die overpopulation crisis for dogs and cats and bathrooms with German people beating and shooting am So i'm using the average person da sind sie mit einer Maus.
00:18:37: Und da ich so we need to start a little girl and just tell people that choices,
00:18:43: sollten können Sie damit sagen möchte Gründe hast du morgen RTW Gründe bei Lederschuhe oder Shampoo das Restaurant am Müggelsee.
00:18:54: Don't you love animals don't you care but I'm here aus dem choices the dark with the idea behind falling peta an der wifi people all together to work with me,
00:19:08: einziger the response paper that I could treatment of animals in my basement.
00:19:14: So nineteen eighty das ist so ready for the eight years ago.
00:19:20: Quite sometimes I have a feeling.
00:19:25: Bekannte Männer bekannter was born seventyeight.
00:19:32: Stockreiter Quads and Piper Willi Hartwig.
00:19:38: VTT Präsident what will your biggest wins Peter the world wiegen.
00:19:48: Antitrust quite unusual werdet Arian people aspired to grow up and wear fur coat das ist unnormal.
00:19:58: Wie hat Präsident Dragons Innovation in Washington DC animated banner.
00:20:05: R us Firma Frank Sinatra Song we change the lyrics sorry that take back your Mink take back your pills,
00:20:14: what makes you think are one of this girls are not about animal rights respecting animals not taking from them to wear OTE.
00:20:25: Andy television Cruise national Chris Hemsworth Motivation,
00:20:31: die Surah dana witch with red white and blue with American stars and stripes
00:20:36: und ich suche oder beautiful patriotic banana very famous TV Broadcaster printed to the banner live on national television and started to side lyrics anderen Reallife
00:20:50: wo dieses it's about not hurting animals and output is on the map the second thing that is on the map,
00:20:59: Iris we went undercover the first time ever I knew you were inside all about tree with experimenting on macaque Monkeys,
00:21:09: Hattingen les Bains making their arms useless an electric shock in the sorry we have to feed themselves through pain by picking Reisen Savas.
00:21:23: We went to the Washington Post the national newspaper we went to the press and we went to the police.
00:21:31: Kannst du das first they never went with served the monkeys we take and out of the lights Sachsen Fax auf Mail,
00:21:41: some people saying I never knew anyone could do anything to help animals in laboratories what can I do to help the magic world what can I do to the sorry total.
00:21:55: Everything not just in the portraits,
00:21:57: every single thing you can do is open your eyes open your heart open your mind and see all that choices that you can make it make a big difference and the beginning how to get.
00:22:11: Into the Love undercover sounds like a lake.
00:22:16: Mutter gibt crime novel contents of things we made into a book.
00:22:23: An den Fakt somebody wants to make it into a song that I haven't yet.
00:22:28: Banana with working with what to which is all about the nearest my apartment.
00:22:34: I said I'd like to have you here doing anything that we haven't got talent.
00:22:43: Und deshalb kamen von you can help us.
00:22:46: Zoey mit dem Tag hier dann kam es denn jeden Tag hätten movie so eine denk jesus hatte Herrn Kramer eines pocket.
00:22:56: Where to stay outside in the car inside a cardboard box with a hole in it.
00:23:03: Woki toki für den anybody can a night to the love I would be able to tell him to put his camera way.
00:23:13: The photograph everything inside.
00:23:16: We talk it experts primatology psychology as every bei veterinarian Sundays at this is outrageous this is disgusting in heaven.
00:23:28: Scientist look what is Experimente with doing.
00:23:32: Er hat nur Männerchor Kondensator an Iris operating on the monkeys there is a barrel of monkeys that killed.
00:23:43: Goodguygarry in what have you also want to get to the place we were able to get the third world,
00:23:50: way to liberty and jump from the cat today
00:23:55: ein Tier Canneto forever you need to answer the feeling that in 112 bitte Oliver Rohrbeck maybe that's just my thinking because there with my teenage years and I had a sense of the wild all of this that it get easier
00:24:08: gute ninety-eight Cartesian The Godfather.
00:24:13: It got easier in the tumor YouTube the people the more you give out leaflets and the more you get into the press,
00:24:21: the more paper vier about it Song from oblivion we came to slow realization.
00:24:29: An den Forster realization Barbican difficult ihr seid Sunpoint.
00:24:36: Television shows in the US and radio shows in the US became monopolies and I stopped ausging serious questions everything became a soundboy,
00:24:48: everything became about sexual violence Open Trovesi in quickway.
00:24:55: I saw the opportunity to put your philosophical points worldwide Strom ist overnight.
00:25:05: Already we had managed to get people to see that there is nothing to aspire to do something to reject.
00:25:15: Gregory young people started to acquire amore animal rights protection ist perspective zusatzgurt.
00:25:25: Nein auf Kurs zenchilli meine Internet Kevin.
00:25:30: Barm everything changed the wicked witch not a couple of hundred people in the town square with leaflet Center Demonstration,
00:25:42: Myriam the FIFA server with wonderful
00:25:47: alexihaus wissen meinen neuesten Nike Sport the Internet and how did I communicate before but of course leaflets new hard to handle Drive explained people,
00:26:00: Black Box is on the desk we had no fax machine new portable Telefons new telephone answering machines,
00:26:09: new Computers in the beginning and certainly no internet,
00:26:14: everything this way down by the telephone and who you called had to be there then I were of course I went with the internet,
00:26:22: Twitch so many paper but the Internet is evil the Internet is for of Thrones.
00:26:29: How did Peter react or you with all this wishes things I know about you all the organization because of the sun etwas everywhere.
00:26:42: It's not the internet unfortunately it's people.
00:26:46: So you have people account and people work role and people who take advantage and people who just like to have.
00:26:54: Unfortunately it schönes many people are all human beings.
00:27:01: Challenges always to counteract.
00:27:05: Der viciousness Türkette Fahrticket YouTube you're the people's better sight Wetter nature goodness.
00:27:15: And maybe the world will always be this Hoffenheim Astor vtvt.
00:27:22: With twenty percent in the middle with you can bring to one side or the other the weekend you,
00:27:30: irisnotes Benz the majority of a time answering rubbish Blödsinn of the dark Anstoß,
00:27:44: Griespass dead and the what you have to answer but mostly Focus concentrate.
00:27:52: Give the facts about what happening theatermaus show them the Videos.
00:27:57: Austin to Georgia and conclusion and appeal to the water side,
00:28:03: agnesheim quatschen als in der ETZ Worte biggest ruins of the nineties OSX grau in grau and people get more where and that was already epic win.
00:28:16: To me because it's been almost forty years it's the gates of blood when switching Chris justice the nineties coming young.
00:28:31: Where's the car crash test on animals,
00:28:35: so everybody today TCM Anakin robot in the TV commercial online and didn't know it was not always like that we einkaufe bescheid,
00:28:49: General Motors breakdown pupetto the car company 66 Mercedes learning by burning pigs and the wolf.
00:28:59: Injustice jeden Jerry the body in the race.
00:29:03: And so we were sorry the doors and campaigning against every car company.
00:29:10: And finally the last one voice General Motors wo sie wachsen,
00:29:14: dagegen an UE dan Harrow UK companies in the world using man against robots and nobody used car crash and the gang.
00:29:24: Tiptel.com Kik in here somewhere that you can't use animal Windows Test.
00:29:36: Dann über die was going to take it because we were outside Autoshow around the world every Autoshow
00:29:42: we were initially we would get people to donate the course of the stop talking and asking the meeting somewhere is not.
00:29:52: Pikio.pl Ashley.
00:29:54: Triangulated Henry wood demonstrating I still didn't listen to the people give us the old cars and the spray paint the town with Slogans,
00:30:04: we just as rabbits and exam with Master Westlake sledgehammers.
00:30:10: An den Vogesen educated bitte is still the expanse so Indian River Setting fire to the course outside the author of the world chords.
00:30:20: I'm fine ladies where is this going on the store,
00:30:25: hello never change the company is new the bottom line the change and people went gone to buy the course of the dentist,
00:30:35: skip already TTV Cent.
00:30:41: Action ziehteig change from the ones von the first twenty years and if so how we have to be
00:30:52: I look at what happening in Papiere culture Entscheid cyclopentolat.
00:30:58: So I came a time Leon when we started i'd rather go naked Entwerfer,
00:31:06: an was kannst du doch ruhig extraordinary in America when you that he is very british Lira goddet
00:31:15: Button of the wild new city became Norma in the newspaper feministisches of the times of the,
00:31:25: Night of the nine eleven thingspeak Android different,
00:31:30: when we did things to show people blood and gods and horror of the the Twin Towers were crashed into you,
00:31:39: and America became very Defensive wie hatte be careful.
00:31:45: Because people wanted Comfort they wanted to see nothing Horror will they want it only easy answers to things we actually somersets we hat eine Art.
00:32:00: Ava woman walking down and early man comes out and blood in the death and steals hot Dessous against the Canada's ihr slaughter.
00:32:11: Suddenly we just released at nine eleven we had to withdraw at people that want to see anything like that,
00:32:18: so we want more with competing images of how you can help you can make a difference of you can become and you can have a peaceful nonviolence diet pills for nonviolence clothing
00:32:32: was kann das sein.
00:32:34: Diskus Ding so changed over time and so no one of my messages for Peters Repeater Iris,
00:32:43: if you against racism because Düsseldorf discussion of this everywhere in the world know about immigrants in the countries are the cultures are the religions.
00:32:54: If you see people as people.
00:32:57: It doesn't matter where in the world I come from summer good the bad the interview against racism Dyneema speargun speciesism ergänzt.
00:33:09: Success am emersberg Ernst Spacey the Samsung messages to the same you just don't be cruel,
00:33:16: Stoßdämpfer NOT something auf,
00:33:20: the message delivery changing the mansion nine-eleven ich habe das Ding auf der nassen suffer for because of his books.
00:33:29: Isengard extremely loud and incredibly close Amt in Bad Boys only see something like dazu und jetzt hat auf Kurs am getting to AC gegen eine Maus.
00:33:40: Sorry hafner's this very popular.
00:33:44: Reiterhof Reitz this book anything quite a lot of lots of people being the time Trend ROC.
00:33:53: Oder Saphir wo ist Gott,
00:33:58: yesterday you within ball and when the grace restore Larissa biomarket.
00:34:06: Underwear at least six levels of shelving,
00:34:10: Ende refrigerator case where everything from history flavoured launchen need to specify the picture can wieso wiegen.
00:34:23: Anna walk down the street and I see the new Saigon Restaurant.
00:34:28: Never see this before an der Ruhr seine Ethiopian wegen Restaurant this wonderful things wegen Burger sind,
00:34:37: the big big big big change Format time and never knew what the world meant they stole the gunmen Skilift in Las Vegas
00:34:47: Tchibo als gute Seite ist remember
00:34:53: it's not just what you put in your mouth is what you put on your feet what you put on your back because your clothing Newsletter.
00:35:04: Partizip,
00:35:05: Bruce Willis taken from the offenem Terry Crews Waze and people Earthdawn ich T-Shirts chromed.
00:35:14: Know the birds with feathers attack and David Hamid.
00:35:19: Even the Crocodiles when somebody by the animals Hand bikemate von Crocodile vs Crocodile the news from meet so,
00:35:28: Tobi wegen is not just not to do it yourself but I think of the outside of the name of the author uses the piano and Duchess of the changing if you look in the clothing store Windows,
00:35:41: damit ist der German Press Days war Journalist Instagram and so on without autopia agency then I follow one of the wegen Stylistin Skibus showing all the possibility is taller.
00:35:54: Der so definitely big change habe Ninja
00:35:59: leather for example i'm in love there is disgusting if you think about it is that the stolen from me anymore they have to take the blood in the water and everything's grey PDF,
00:36:11: undyne treated informell da hydorah the chemicals Deutschkurs in cancer.
00:36:17: Now you have lots of fun pineapple Slicer from grapes leather from everything you can imagine,
00:36:24: Leserbrief cruelty-free jetzt family fantastic Story have to think about our environment.
00:36:34: F1 really hard to do everything right because for example of or Fake meat from soil from Lupin from wherever.
00:36:47: Looking into the supermarket zawor wody skype Potsdam we were just like meat is everywhere and depends on the god of youth overproduction in this world which is the thing or biggest enemy,
00:37:02: bekos West slowly killing VBS ist eine bewegen InDesign,
00:37:10: i'm afraid I hate the word sustainable.
00:37:24: You can be the best you can TOP.
00:37:27: Think the biggest problem is overpopulation of human beings because everybody wants this human beings something.
00:37:36: Anderes so many human beings superhopser the root cause is trying to get a handle on overpopulation and supporting.
00:37:46: Methods and mechanisms and charities network to bring choices to women that I don't think that I have the health and the summer the chosen to bring into the world,
00:37:57: that's one thing to the packaging innoplastics my heart break through the book of one can make a difference,
00:38:06: einen data talk about this book is not the plastic washing up in the wire Nylons das going on ten years ago Problem,
00:38:18: Vermieter number one thing I see all the living beings für share the planet.
00:38:24: Undead human being the taking everything over and looting everything ruining everything stealing the land stealing the very body is a biomass so.
00:38:35: The used to be sad expression in the eighties Motorsäge price today live simply that others may simply live.
00:38:45: The big thing is educating Autos TV Pashto does not just thinking of the weed everyday.
00:38:53: You as much as you can never to be knowingly Cruise somebody else open your eyes,
00:39:00: undermined an der Horte des Typs solche minosse Birgit Influenz don't be a preaching impossible Taniguchi cruris war but maybe,
00:39:12: schau bei example how easy it is
00:39:15: Enzo by giving you because you can always cook the people you can show the people if someone is having a baby in the shower Baby Shower Party you can bring things like maybe
00:39:28: andere Stock shares in a company that screw the way of the gun.
00:39:33: If someone is getting married you can give them a gift of cruelty free products used to the thing everything you do if you in an office bring food and Jared.
00:39:45: You don't have to breach but I should tell the truth and you should be vocal because they are normally the life of the Isley.
00:39:54: The Dead der kann speak for themselves in the pinkelt so I can't say anything about the dependence to be the voice to be dambusters dobida amazon.es.
00:40:08: Sorry to have an application note get too comfortable.
00:40:12: I think of items Aniston now oder & Go bitte say oh by the way I got this,
00:40:19: product for you you might like to try it or you actually I don't you that because you just don't let it bring to the Picasso Caravan and I found out.
00:40:33: Wie das nun IT piece of writers batterie100 because.
00:40:38: IOS 10 my heart everyone with me and hold me something always doing that I didn't know about repercussion for animals of the Earth Song maybe it's the time.
00:40:52: Eistorte.
00:40:54: Badenweiler fortitude as they did you know something something I don't know.
00:41:07: Vibratoren simply like cooking for friends for example.
00:41:12: Sommerzeit Domin Spaghetti Bolognese.
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00:42:07: zusammen 11 Uhr kann ich hier Reinhard Mey,
00:42:11: nie gesehen deswegen mehr gesehen Sullivan Indesit bagso.de airplane und es sieht back stop the train in the doctor's office everywhere the hotel,
00:42:21: das ist something going on so it is the day wherever I hope that I'm going to reach some people I didn't even know,
00:42:30: epacket not everyone in your friend circles wiegen.
00:42:36: Not everyone is that they know they should be and I call the President of information that I know the going to change,
00:42:49: wann ist my friends Cat very deeply about dogs.
00:42:53: And I met me because I found a dog with hit by car on the highway at night late and I couldn't find any body to help him,
00:43:04: eventually he came to me of the woods two days later I ever I want to start an answering service for people can always know wherever they are the quickest way to get help for in njr Nummer,
00:43:18: but I made fun of me because I wasn't that the journey was sind wegen the first,
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00:43:46: IF Mike can't change,
00:43:48: anyone can change never give up because we loved you even when we're together sometimes to listen to music,
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00:44:43: parents are very difficult song the family is the hardest to change on that shouldn't be upsetting it's just of your family you she doesn't listen to you very closely find seid ihr,
00:44:57: when my father mother where live,
00:44:59: imed great in Rhodes by showing them the physicians Committee Information so eure give the box the world from me.
00:45:07: Butterworth ama Doktor Barth newtrition mein Vater hat hot Problem sind so,
00:45:13: i gave you that kind of information in Form einem mother who is very kind which I grow up cooking for my for the wicked with the generation that.
00:45:23: Igvault tern Tiffany setting that I would like with you move into the origin of source or something new and even know I visited the table and eat,
00:45:37: tasty heated we never went into the kitchen.
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00:47:04: Rivaner small playing with two Cowboy pilots young men who decided they want to the traders.
00:47:12: Ein pilots have discrecion I didn't know that I love you it's the way it is pitch black.
00:47:21: With lightning and the sky split up with the red flashes and I will not going into that we were.
00:47:31: And we went down we were caught in the wind share it with like being in the tumble dryer.
00:47:38: Anderen das Lied silence everybody is screaming than das Lied silence the planet been shaking nothing the twenty minutes I found out of the woods.
00:47:51: We had gone out of the ocean and vietfun.com place the pilot's was scrambling to find another place to learn to play.
00:48:01: Picasso Tornado have been coming up the coast hättet what song we have been caught in the tornado Wind.
00:48:09: Duden wieso will going down again aufgebaut twenty minutes ev100 new Airport.
00:48:16: Rivacold in Vinci noch 104 the devil is coming apart everybody so they won't go away with the airport.
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00:48:49: PETA has so many great Store für Note 3
00:49:01: hacktivism is going to be auf was ist es beende mein aktives und vor allem außerhalb der gesamten Auswahl einer Maus an der next day.
00:49:10: Sitting in the meeting you get this feeling that you shouldn't be the people say that always happens after near death experience
00:49:19: Reiser Junior
00:49:21: ist my body hat survive they could have got it up into little pieces Amerika Jusic PSA Frank get to do something good carry on protests and campaigning soi made my way,
00:49:35: alte Weide daB der vom Fahrzeug majbooriyan A2 wo hat man nicht so Body ist intakt.
00:49:41: I won't need my body when I'm gone with the one that I my mother with the life and what you think the case of course I'm not religious and I don't need any Visual dann over my body,
00:49:55: Brauhaus Oliver,
00:49:57: I am part of my liver can go to France to protest for gravity force feed the ducks and listen to the lives honest Songtext,
00:50:09: Iris wo sollte Kanada.
00:50:12: Esther Canadas ihr slaughter ist dillan so that the government can say maybe my ears can help you hear the cries of the baby seals.
00:50:22: Stone little bit so wird OBD Weidedamm used I want needed but my most exciting part.
00:50:31: Ihr seid ein want my flesh.
00:50:33: Tobi Barbecue with onions and garlic i want people to smoking and can't stay away
00:50:43: jetzt haben,
00:50:52: it's now the same in taste the same it's all flesh we are sisters under the skin,
00:51:00: Frank Wiemann as question for you wish for this world Kainzner.
00:51:08: Das kann man genauso stehen lassen ich sage danke schön es war ein super interessantes Gespräch schön dass Sie Zeit gefunden hast Eis.
00:51:17: Citing amazing Stories thanks for your time thank you.
00:51:24: Music.
00:51:33: Sein Gespräch ich bin immer noch begeistert von dem was irgendwie newkirk schon alles gemacht hat vor allem bewegt hat in Sachen Tiere,
00:51:40: ich hoffe euch hat es auch gefallen empfiehlt diesen Podcast doch einfach mal weiter an Freunde und Bekannte die gern wissen möchten warum ihr so hinterher seid Tiere zu schätzen.
00:51:51: Ich bin Sina Kühne und das hier ist der Peter Podcast.
00:51:55: Music.